Fabtech Technologies Cleanroom Private Limited


Email address for grievance redressal and other relevant details

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  • Email address for grievance redressal and other relevant details

Investor Grievances

Full Name: CS Kinjal Shah

Company: Fabtech Technologies Cleanrooms Limited

Designation: Company Secretary and Compliance Officer

Address: 615, Janki Center Off. Veera Desai Road, Andheri West, Mumbai- 400053, Maharashtra, India

Phone Number: +91-22 45145321

Email: investorgrievances@fabtechnologies.com


Regiatrar and Shares Transfer Agents

Company: Maashitla Securities Private Limited

Address: 451, Krishna Apra Business Square, Netaji Subhash Place Pitampura, New Delhi-110034

Phone: 011-45121795

Email: Investor.ipo@maashitla.com

Website: www.maashitla.com

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